This text README was designed using Windows Notepad and a Microsoft Sans Serif, regular style, #10 fonts with Word Wrap enabled.

Questions I received in email are answered below:

To the hundreds of email complements I received about my space shuttle landing challenge package... THANK YOU!!!


COMMENT: I cannot see the landing gear!! I can land but can't see the gear!! What’s wrong???

A: You selected YES to disable functions instead of "NO" to the error message when the shuttle was first run in the simulator. To correct the problem, do the following:

******Make sure "hidden files and folders" is disabled in Windows!!!********

Open the FS9.cfg file in notepad. It is usually located:

C:\Documents and Settings\(ACCOUNT NAME)\Application Data\Microsoft\FS9\FS9.cfg

1. Scroll down and look for a section called [FrameCallNoWarn]

2. Find "shuttle" on the list, and change the "0" to a "1". Save the file, and load up FS9.

You should now see the landing gear and other features will function without any errors.


COMMENT: I get an error message about: gpsframeless.gau and/or the sim CRASHES after installing your shuttle package to FS2004!!

A: You installed the FS2002 version into FS2004 by mistake. Overwrite the installation by following the directions in the README_NOW.txt file.


COMMENT: The shuttle does not look like the real thing and does not fly right.

A: The model file is from FS98/2000 and the texture calls to cover the model are limited in number and do not cover some areas without stretching the texture. I did the best I could to make it look realistic with what I had to work with. There are areas on the model that the textures are severely stretched to cover gaps. The area on the top of the nose just below the flight deck and the center of the underbelly is a good example of the texture being stretched by the model file. I cannot change this in the .mdl file. Model (.mdl) files are secure and cannot be altered. All I can do is try to cover those areas the best I can. I DID NOT MAKE THE MODEL OR THE PANEL.

As for how the shuttle fly’s... I have to say at this point if you expect to be able to fly and land it like a typical aircraft then YOU do not understand how the real shuttle works. My package provides a very close simulation to the real shuttles flight dynamics. I suggest you RE-READ the NASA flight engineering description of the re-entry flight and the translation of that description I provided in the SHUTTLE_FLYING.txt


COMMENT: I can slow the shuttle down!! It never stops accelerating!!!

1. Go to the REALISM SETTINGS of the simulator, UNCHECK the following items:


2. Click OK

3. Review the file RealismSettings.jpg for visual details.


COMMENT: The brakes do not stop the aircraft and I run off the end of the runway at XXXXX International.

A: Are you aware the shuttle REQUIRES a 10,000-15,000ft runway to safely land? Although there are exceptions, you will not get a 10-15,000ft runway at a typical International airport. ALSO the toe brake scale is programmed to react CORRECTLY to the excessive weight and forward velocity of the shuttle rolling down the runway. The SPEED BRAKE @100% is designed to SIMULATE the DRAG parachute.

On touchdown = SPEED BRAKE to 100%... and the toe brake will provide the correct rate of slowing. You may need to PUMP the brake to prevent overheating of the system until the shuttle drops below 90kts, and then stand on it.


COMMENT: The shuttle engine thrust is too powerful for me to land. Even if I get it off the runway the thrust cuts off too soon and I loose power and cannot land. IT GOES TOO FAST!!! If I try to go into orbit... I cannot get past 100,000ft!!!

A: The shuttle is a GLIDER, not a rocket. I explained the correct ground launch procedure in the SHUTTLE_FLYING.txt. If you are NOT using the pre-designed flights and wish to ground launch the shuttle, the thrust lasts for 30-40 seconds and as such:

Release the park brake... LEAVE THE THROTTLE AT ZERO, take off and raise the gear immediately as it will blow out at 340kts. Pitch up to +30 degrees, hit full throttle and pitch up to 60-80+ degrees and maintain until the speed drops to less than 900kts, then level off, pitch down and glide back to land.

a. DO NOT attempt to land it with ANY thrust applied.
It is set to 350,000lbs X 3 (1 MILLION FIVE HOUNDRED THOUSAND POUNDS OF THRUST) which is the shuttles thrust rating with SRB/Tank attached.

b. Use the thrust to get the shuttle up to 50-80,000ft, AS DISCRIBED in SHUTTLE_FLYING.txt, and then GLIDE back to earth

c. THERE IS A 100,000ft LIMIT to Flight Simulator... as such: YOU CAN NOT GO ANY HIGHER AND CAN NOT ORBIT THE EARTH.



COMMENT: I cannot land the shuttle!! The glidescope does not seem to work correctly with the autopilot and it crashes short of the runway!!

A: Some people simply do not read instructions. THIS IS NOT AN AIRPLANE. It is NOT designed to use the typical glidescope approach. My SHUTTLE_FLYING.txt file is VERY SPECIFIC about NOT using the auto pilot to land the space shuttle because the shuttle REQUIRES A GLIDESCOPE OF minus 17 to minus 22 DEGREES ... STARTING 5-8 MILES FROM THE RUNWAY AND @ A 10,000FT FLIGHT LEVEL.

Please open the SHUTTLE_FLYING.txt file and this time actually READ the directions about flying the shuttle from the NASA flight engineer and myself.

You are flying the closest to REAL simulation of the Space Shuttle, NOT a sailplane, Cessna, or a 737!!


COMMENT: The shuttle has no flames or smoke coming from the engines when they are on.

A: The REAL shuttle only has visual thrust when attached to the fuel tank/srb's (solid rocket boosters) and launching INTO orbit from the Kennedy Space Center launch facility. This simulation requires a small amount of thrust to get the shuttle up to the correct forward momentum and velocity for ***re-entry***, in which the shuttle DOES NOT have the tanks or srb's attached. I decided to NOT provide flames and smoke because, although I had no choice in using the engines for a short burst of thrust, it is absolutely not realistic to see visual flames or smoke without the main fuel tank attached. Sorry if that decision does not suit your taste but I made the call.


COMMENT: I landed the shuttle, No problem. It's easy. I do not see what is so difficult about landing it. Perhaps your shuttle is not designed as realistic as you think it is.

A: OK, Now let’s get real... Now that you have landed over and over again without any crashes or errors, please go to your REALISM SETTINGS in the simulator and move the sliders from EASY to REALISTIC. Please see the RealismSettings.jpg image with this package for a visual of the settings you should be flying with my shuttle package. Now email me back and tell me how easy it is. If you can land the shuttle in my package **25** times in a row in almost any condition/circumstance without missing the runway, and USING the NASA specified gear system (18fps drop rate) without running off the end or damaging a strut, you belong in the space program training to fly the real shuttle.


COMMENT: Where is the drag chute?

A: The addition of a drag chute requires an entire new 3D model be made. (.mdl file) I did not make the model being used for this simulation and it does not have a drag chute built into it. Use the speed brake (100%) to simulate the drag of the chute being deployed.


COMMENT: Can you make an entire shuttle launch sequence with the SRB's and main tank?

A: Yes, I can... and it would be set up to launch, communicate with ground control, and fly like the real shuttle, however, if I were to build an entire new shuttle it would take 6 months to a year (or longer) because I would include a very detailed model with all the trimmings, a VC cockpit, cargo bay views, proper landing gear, the proper glidescope system on the ground and a correct ATC voice system for communication during flight. That type of detail would require I charge for the package and I doubt it could be cheap. Such a package would probably sell for 75 to100 USD, or more depending on the level of detail, after mass production.
